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I'll be speaking about our team's project result.
Let me remind you
I'd like to remind you

First of all,
In the first place,

turn to next

This slide shows the ~~

now, this slide ilustrate

this shows

as you can see,

you see that

you see here how ~~

42.01 - forty-two point oh one
0.21 - oh point two one

as a result,

because of
on accout of
due to

the offect of ~ is to ~

consist of
be made up of
be composed of

the purpose of ~
the goal of ~

be the same as

I think
I consider
It seems to me

In my view
In my opinion
It's my understanding that

consider ~, for example
be an example of
Let me illustrate
Let me explain with this example

for example
for instance
for on thing
as follows

I mean

what about doing?
one solution would be to

in short
in summary

in this way
in addition to
in this case
during this process

Finally, we conclude that
I'd like to make some conclusions
so to conclude, ~

thank you very much indeed for your kind attention.
thank you for your patience.

that's an excellent question
      a difficult
      a hard
That's a big question, not my knowledge.

That's a good question. but It's hard to answer that
question exactly because a lot of parameters are unknown

the point
waht I mean
What I'm saying

That's right.

I disagree

Maybe so, but
Possibly, but

the next slide shows + title
posted by progh2